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Plastic Surgery Practice Bismarck
Our dedication to your comfort and care is evident the moment you walk into our fully-accredited Class C facility. Our comfortable, relaxed waiting area, consultation rooms, and procedure room provide a discreet atmosphere for optimal patient care.
Advanced Surgical Arts Center has been inspected and accredited by the American Association for the Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgery Facilities (AAAASF). Our two story in-office operating room provides a special place for your cosmetic surgery procedures, offering confidentiality, convenience and safety – a quality environment for patient care.
Read what our AAAASF examiner had to say about us after his visit. “This is an excellent and thoughtfully designed facility with patient safety as a driving factor. The staff was very knowledgable and cooperative. It was a pleasure doing this inspection.”
W.Carter MD, Plastic Surgeon
09/22/09 Minneapolis, Minnesota
The primary mission of the AAAASF is to ensure the highest quality patient care in the ambulatory surgery setting. All facilities accredited by the AAAASF must meet an extensive set of guidelines and standards. These assure the patient of a commitment to safety and efficiency of the facility and equipment. The AAAASF requires a facility to be 100% compliant with all of its standards to achieve accreditation. Accreditation consists of a three-fold review that includes a site inspection by a trained AAAASF representative, an AAAASF panel assessment of site visit findings, and successful participation in a peer review/quality assurance program.
An AAAASF certified facility must:
- Comply with applicable local, state, and federal regulations including fire safety, sanitation and building codes for the protection of patients and medical personnel;
- Adhere to federal laws and regulations affecting their operation such as OSHA Bloodborne Pathogens Standards, Hazardous Waste Standards, and the Americans with
- Disabilities Act;
- Utilize advanced instruments and monitoring devices for patient safety during surgery and in the recovery period;
- Allow surgery to be performed only by qualified surgeons who have privileges to perform the same surgical procedures in an accredited hospital. Surgeons must meet the standards, such as peer-review and continuing medical education, required for operating in an accredited hospital. Surgeons must also be certified by a surgical board that is recognized by the American Board of Medical Specialities and must be in compliance with their respective professional society or association.
- Verify certification of personnel assisting in surgery and providing care for the patient. Support personnel must be specially trained and must maintain appropriate licensure and certification for their specialty;
- Assure the staff and facility are committed to the “Patient’s Bill of Rights”, ensuring all patients are treated with the courtesy and respect they deserve.
AAAASF facilities are designed for the exclusive use of surgeons and to accommodate their patients’ surgical needs. As a result, other departments required in a hospital center, such as pathology and radiology are unnecessary. The resulting cost savings are passed along to you, the patient. Recent studies have shown that costs to a patient in an accredited ambulatory surgery facility are only one-third to one-half those charged by a hospital for the same procedure. And because the patient is not hospitalized, there are additional significant savings over hospital in-patient care. Also contributing to lower cost is the outstanding safety record of accredited ambulatory facilities – with the incidence of complications comparable to that of a hospital-based ambulatory surgery facility. Safety plus cost consciousness make the accredited ambulatory surgery facility an attractive option for patient procedures.
AAAASF regularly revises and updates its requirements to assure its accredited facilities maintain the highest standards of excellence for the quality and safety of patient care. To maintain certification, AAAASF requires an annual in-house evaluation and a formal site inspection every three years.
Advanced Surgical Arts Center is committed to maintaining the stringent standards set forth by AAAASF, making our accredited facility a special place for your cosmetic surgery procedures.
Start your journey today.
We believe that all of our patients — women and men — are on a similar journey; to look and feel their best, while living their healthiest and most youthful life. At Advanced Surgical Arts Center, Dr. D’Arcy Honeycutt and her team are standing by to learn more about your unique goals, aspirations and expectations. Contact us today to learn more, or to schedule a one-on-one consultation with Dr. Honeycutt.
Surgical ProceduresBODYNon-Surgical ProceduresBREASTFACEINJECTABLESAbdominoplasty
Arm Lift/Brachioplasty
External Genital Rejuvenation
Thigh LiftAugmentation with Mastopexy
Breast Asymmetry Correction
Breast Augmentation
Breast Lift
Breast Reconstruction
Breast Reduction
Revisional Breast Implants
Male Breast ReductionEarlobe Repair
Eyelid Surgery
Fat Injection
Forehead Lift
Laser Resurfacing
Skin RegenerationDysport & JeuveauLASERS
SclerotherapyIcon 1540AESTHETICIAN
Icon IPL
Sciton Laser Hair Removal
Sciton BBL
Sciton Acne Blue Light
Exilis EliteSkin Services
Skin Products
Your journey begins here.
On behalf of Dr. Honeycutt and the entire staff at Advanced Surgical Arts Center, we thank you for visiting our website and considering our practice to facilitate your unique personal, emotional and aesthetic goals. Our highest priority is to maintain close relationships with our patients, and we consider it a privilege to be a part of their lives. We look forward to learning more about you, and to beginning a journey that will leave you looking and feeling healthy, happy and youthful.
Services & Procedures
Explore our range of services and procedures for both women and men below:
Body Procedures
Breast Procedures
Face Procedures
Male Procedures
Lasers & Lights
Aesthetician Services