Facelift by Dr. D'Arcy Honeycutt

Portrait of beauty

uthre you a Good Candidate?

The best candidates for Facelift (Rhytidectomy) are men and women who:

Is this you?
Are you physically healthy?
Do you have realistic expectations in reference to plastic surgery?
Has your face and neck begun to sag?
Do you feel like your face looks “old” or noticeable in reference to the aging process?
If you:
Have unrealistic expectations this may not be for you. You should discuss this with your plastic surgeon.
Are not physically healthy, you would not be a good candidate for rhinoplasty.
If the patient is over 70 years old, you should consult with your plastic surgeon in reference to your specific case.
Reaction to the anesthesia.
Hematoma ñ a collection of blood, under your skin, the must be removed by your plastic surgeon.
Nerve Injuries that control facial muscles ñ usually temporary
Poor skin healing
The Procedure

A Facelift procedure typically will take several hours, sometimes longer. In some cases, your plastic surgeon may schedule two different sessions, depending on how extensive your case is.

Plastic surgeons use different approaches for facelift, depending on your bone structure and there technique. The location of the incision will also depend on your bone structure, but will be discussed with you during your consultation. Some plastic surgeons will complete one side of the face first, and then move on to the other side, and other plastic surgeons will move back in forth between the sides. This is dependent on the surgeon’s technique.