Breast Augmentation Bismarck

Breast Augmentation

Women who have breasts that appear disproportionately small for their figure often feel embarrassed and self-conscious of their breast size. It can be difficult to find clothes that fit correctly and many women seek out Breast Augmentation Bismarck to learn more about their breast enhancement options. A Breast Augmentation procedure enhances the size of the breasts through breast implants. Breast implants may be saline filled or made with silicone gel. This is just the first of many decisions to make in a breast augmentation journey; you will also choose implant size, implant placement (above or below the chest muscle) and incision placement.

Dr. Honeycutt understands that each woman comes in with her own personal reasons for seeking out Breast Augmentation and that no two women are exactly alike. She works hard to help educate and navigate her patients through each decision to find the best procedure plan for them. If you are interested in learning more about your Breast Augmentation Bismarck options, contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Honeycutt today.

Breast Lift Benefits Bismarck

Breast Lift Benefits

Breast Lift Benefits include perkier, more youthful, firmer breasts and an increased body confidence. Many women seek out breast rejuvenation through a Breast Lift procedure after pregnancy and nursing has led to deflated and sagging breasts. Some women find their breasts lose tone and sag after a significant change in weight or simply as the aging process takes it toll. Breasts can be lifted to a more flattering position through Breast Lift surgery. The procedure is performed by removing the excess skin, rotating the breast tissue upward and inward and closing the remaining skin. This procedure is perfect for women who are satisfied with their breast size and simply wish to lift their breasts.

Some women find they would like to both lift the breasts and increase breast size which can be done by combining a Breast Lift procedure with a Breast Augmentation using saline or silicone implants. To learn more about your Breast Lift options and to find out if you are a good candidate for a Breast Lift, contact our office to schedule your consultation with Dr. Honeycutt today.

Liposuction North Dakota


We all have areas of our body and that we have difficulty achieving the weight loss results we desire. For whatever reason, it seems like this one area  of our body is more stubborn than the rest of the body when it comes to our diet and exercise efforts. Many men and women these days have achieved the body contouring results they desire through Liposuction. Liposuction is a procedure to remove these excess, stubborn fat cells through tiny incisions through which a long, skinny tube called a cannula is inserted and the fat cells are sucked out.

In some cases, liposuction is paired with other body contouring procedures such as Abdominoplasty, Arm Lift, or Thigh Lift. If you are interested in learning more about North Dakota Liposuction and if you may be a good candidate for the procedure, contact our office to schedule your consultation today.