Bismarck Tummy Tuck

Men and women who have sagging skin in their midsection due to weight loss or pregnancy, a distended abdomen that protrudes out of proportion with the rest of their figure, muscles in the abdomen which have loosened, or excess fat deposits in a concentrated area that is the abdomen, may be good candidates for a Tummy Tuck, also known as Abdominoplasty.

Abdominoplasty is procedure in which an incision is made along the underwear line, excess skin and fat is removed and the abdominal muscles are sutured together, so that as the remaining skin is pulled closed over them, it creates a flatter, more toned abdominal region. Oftentimes Abdominoplasty can be performed in conjunction with other contouring procedures such as liposuction, thigh lift or arm lift.

If your mid-section is holding you back from wearing the clothes you desire, from having the body you want, contact Dr. Honeycutt today to discuss your possibilities for a more defined waist.

Bismarck Lipoplasty

We are all pre-destined to have different trouble zones- parts of the body that are more difficult to impossible to lose weight and tone, despite our best diet and exercise efforts. Theses trouble zones vary person to person, but some common areas are the stomach, arms, hips, thighs, buttocks, and back. Dr. Honeycutt has helped countless Bismarck area patients, men and women alike, improve these trouble zones or pockets of stubborn fat from their body to create a more contoured, balanced body shape.

The liposuction, or lipoplasty, procedure works by utilizing a long skinny tube which literally sucks the fat out. This tube is inserted into the trouble zones through tiny incisions. Often liposuction is used in conjuncture with other body contouring procedures such as abdominoplasty (tummy tuck) to create the most optimum results. It should be noted that while liposuction does remove fat- it is not a weight loss treatment and is best suited for those in otherwise healthy conditions to remove isolated pockets of fat.

If you are tired of battling your trouble zones, contact our office today to set up an appointment for your confidential consultation.

Breast Reconstruction Bismarck – Begin to Rebuild

When a piece of your womanhood is taken from you, the journey back to feeling like the strong, confident woman you once were may take time and is unique to each individual. There is no way to prepare for this kind of a loss. There is also no right or wrong way to heal in the aftermath. Today there are several options available to women who have lost one or both breasts due to cancer or other trauma or illness and one of these options is Reconstructive Breast Surgery.

Bismarck Reconstructive Breast Surgery is a procedure to rebuild the breast or breasts and can be performed in a number of ways depending on each woman’s needs. Dr. Honeycutt works with each patient to create the best treatment plan for them. Interested in learning more about your Reconstructive Breast Surgery options? Contact our office today!

Eyelid Lift Bismarck

It is said that the eyes are the windows to our souls, but as we age these windows can start to get obstructed by heavy drapes known as eyelids that are suffering from excess skin or fat. Both upper and lower eyelids can be rejuvenated through Bismarck Blepharoplasty, also known as an Eyelid Lift. Eyelid Lifts are a subtle and natural way to make a big difference in rejuvenating our appearance and helping us look more vital and energetic.

Learn more about your Eyelid Rejuvenation options and contact our office today to schedule your consultation to find out if an Eyelid Lift may be right for you.

Bismarck Breast Reduction

Women with large breasts often struggle with physical and emotional pains associated with larger breasts. Chronic neck, back and shoulder pain is often prevalent and can hinder daily activities and lifestyles. Women with larger breasts can have difficulties sleeping and exercising due to pain, discomfort and even trouble breathing. Shopping and fashion choices can be hindered as many of these women may find their large breasts are out of proportion with the rest of their body, causing any clothes they can find that fit make them appear to be much heavier than they actually are. In addition, many women with overly large breasts can often feel self-conscious and inhibited in social situations.

While there is no one answer for every woman dealing with overly large breasts, many choose to undergo a Breast Reduction surgery to reduce the size of their breasts. This has been an incredibly successful procedure for many women, restoring confidence, life choices and alleviating pain. If you are thinking about a Breast Reduction, we invite you to contact our office to schedule a consultation with Dr. Honeycutt today.

Bismarck Tummy Tuck

Bismarck Abdominoplasty has helped many men and women achieve the mid-section they’ve dreamed of but haven’t been able to achieve through diet and exercise alone. If you have sagging skin in your midsection due to weight loss or pregnancy, a distended abdomen that protrudes out of proportion with the rest of your figure, muscles in the abdomen that have loosened, or excess fat deposits in the abdomen, you may be a good candidate for a Tummy Tuck with or without Liposuction.

If you’re tired of your mid-section holding you back from wearing the clothes you want and from having the body you want, contact Dr. Honeycutt today to discuss your possibilities for a more defined waist.

Facelift Bismarck

For centuries men and women have been looking for ways to help stave off and reverse the signs of aging. Common signs of aging like fine lines, wrinkles, and sagging skin can cause us to look older and more tired than we are. In some cases, patients have noted that their faces in resting position tend to give off an angry or upset look which is not truly reflecting their emotional state. While there are a number of facial rejuvenation treatment on the market today, Face Lift surgery continues to be one of the most popular.

A Face Lift surgery is designed to tighten the skin, smooth out the wrinkles and sagging and create a more youthful, natural, energetic appearance. When this procedure is performed by a skilled plastic surgeon, the results can be truly amazing. In many cases a Face Lift procedure may be coupled with other facial rejuvenation procedures such as a neck lift, eyelid lift or liposuction. Talking to your plastic surgeon is the first step in find a treatment plan that best suites your needs and goals.

Contact our office and schedule your consultation to discuss how you can benefit from face lift or other facial rejuvenation procedures.